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kernel 4.13 problem

I have one PC - (Acer Veriton N464) basead on i3 skylake where knoppix boots very slow.
I have figured out that it is fault of udev which stpos for aprox. a minute.
What udev subsystem is causing that - I don't know.
I have tried ubuntu with kernel 4.11 and there was no boot delay.
So I have tried to compile new kernel for knoppix - 4.13.
Copied cloop.c cloop.h (4.8) from knoppix sources, make change in makefile. Patched kernel with aufs. Copied .config from  knoppix 7.7.1.

Unfortunately there was few errors while compiling cloop and compilation stoped.

Has someone succeeded in comiping newest kernel for knoppix?

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