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Re: Discussion? (Re: Knoppix 7.4.x CD)

On Oct 8 2014, Capri Corny wrote:

I would also like to support the idea of a bare bones distribution, it would make generating your own version that mush easier. I am afraid I may have missed it, but could it just be a version on its own, i.e. CD, DVD and a bare bones version. This may stop people misunderstanding the CD version. It might also lead to someone generating a version that has a simple standard script so that people can re generate their own versions, packages and start menu layout from a standard textfile thus making upgrade much easier.


I agree that a bare-bones Knoppix/Adriane CD image, as a basis for
customizing and eventually remastering (possibly also with some forensic
tools..), seems like a good idea.  It just has to be made completely clear
to all users that this is _not_ a lightweight entry-level distro.  And
omitting office, just a browser (plus a few basic servers and communication
tools), I think most will get it - otherwise we can only prepare for all
the "package missing on the Knoppix CD" inquiries and complaints. That
would cater for most adaptation needs - except for the creation of pure 64
bits versions - to that end, an adaptable "knxbootstrap"  Debian package
would be nice.

For my own needs, however, I would like a ca 2GB compressed image, so most
of the really basic software is covered. That will save most people some
time customizing, and remove most of the need for package purging.


2014-10-07 20:00 GMT+00:00 Jeffery Mewtamer <mewtamer@gmail.com>:

I'd third the suggestion for a CD image containing little more than
the Debian base system, LXDE, a web browser, and the Knopix
customizations, but as a Blind user I think the CD version should at
least also include the Adriane meta-package along with its
dependencies, which does necessitate the inclusion of several
non-essential components. Though, with what KK said about there being
extra effort to producing a CD version, I suspect his methodology
might be a top-down rather than a bottom-up one.

On 10/7/14, David Starke <dwstarke@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree wholeheartedly.  This bare-bones Knoppix, combined with the
> to form KNOPPIX2, etc. will make having just what I want available to > me on every computer I sit before. I can then take my own, customized > computing experience with me.
> Please consider this.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Otto Domínguez <otto@sistemasorion.com>
> Date: Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 2:44 PM
> Subject: Re: Discussion? (Re: Knoppix 7.4.x CD)
> To:
> ​​
> debian-knoppix@knopper.net
> Cc:
> debian-knoppix@lists.debian.org
> I think the CD version should not contain much software. Just a > shell, an editor and a web browser, with LXDE as only desktop with the > Knoppix customizations (Knoppix menu, compiz integration). This can > serve as a
> for customizations made by the user, be on an overlay partition or > via remastering. Let's say you Mr, Knopper already produce this > everytime you make a new Knoppix image, just pause the process before > adding the whole software suite contained in the DVD version, and give > us that barebones image.
> --
> Ing. Otto Domínguez
> http://sistemasorion.com
> Cel. (+502) 5403-0338
> Por favor no envíe archivos adjuntos en formatos propietarios.
> http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html


Jeffery Wright President Emeritus, Nu Nu Chapter, Phi Theta Kappa. Former Secretary, Student Government Association, College of the Albemarle.

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