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Request to include 144k file to vastly improve Intel graphics performance

Recently I have been playing with Intel's graphics cards and Knoppix.
One of the things what I wanted to do was that use my Intel GPU to offload any video decoding like mpeg decoding etc.
Now the problem is that Knoppix 7.2 and other versions do not include Intel 965 VA drivers out of the box.Yes I can manually install it because I have the know-how but it might not be the case with a lot of newbies.
Now if we include this library(144Kb)  http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/i965-va-driver from the official debian packages of wheezy , most users who use Intel graphics card(tehy are becoming very popular) will be able to automatically be benefitted.

VLC is able to offload mpeg decoding to intel's graphics drivers without any additional setup or help by end user.
You can read more about it on https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/VA-API

So I sincerely request that this driver be included in next version of Knoppix.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help testing it out etc.

Web Home : http://bhavesh.freeshell.org/blog

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