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Re: Missing 64-bits packages: Search for them or compile them?

Hello Capri,
As far as I know, aufs, cloop and other critical for the boot kernel modules
are now compiled within the kernel (and are not loaded by the initrd anymore).
So all the critical components which could have a big performance impact as
(>4GB memory, fast I/O and context switching, 64 bits guest virtual machines support,...) already exists in the 64 bits kernel created by Klaus in his Knoppix 6.5 version.
As an example I run VMware workstation with 64 bits guest without any problem
(besides the shared /mnt/hgfs folder which I still cannot get to work properly... yet)
My two cents,

PS: As a side note, I still do not see the need to have every single binary compiled in 64 bits anymore beside the academic interest and the fun to create a "pure" 64 bits Knoppix version. I much prefer to have more apps available (on a limited size DVD) and recompile or download the few applications or services that I need to run as fast as possible since 32 and 64 bits applications can co-exist with a 64 bits kernel. Please don't get me wrong we all like performance but I think that with the 64bits kernel of the new Knoppix 6.5 we already have what we need. BTW, recompiling applicatons is much easier than it looks like: configure, make, make install.

At 01:38 PM 7/2/2011, Capri Corny wrote:
Even though the vast majority is available, there seem to be quite a few packages used in ordinary Knoppix that don't currently have 64-bits versions. I wonder what is the best way to proceed with those: I want to make the 64-bits vs of Knoppix as close to the original as possible, and having almost identical package selection can make things simpler - but what to do when the packages are not available on the ordinary mirrors? We are talking about at most tens, not hundreds, of packages here, accounting for a rather small fraction of total program size.

I think it might be safer to compile than to install "experimental" versions - but this is an area where I have zero experience. One very important case is aufs, where it seems that it may be best to download the latest source and compile. (This may in fact apply also to ordinary Knoppix.)

And as for kernel options, should the same options as with the 64-bits kernel in the standard release be used? Please excuse me for trying to know as little as possible about kernel options. In the past, I have only done compiles in emergency situations, and I would rather leave it at that. :-)

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