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Knoppix 6.5: Thank you ! How to compile/run 64 bits code ? Improvement suggestions.

Re-post since I did not get any reply with my previous post...

Hi Klaus,
I finally got my hands on your latest version of Knoppix 6.5 (a friend shipped me the Linux Magazine from UK) and again you have done a fantastic and amazing job; thank you very much for continuing the Knoppix development !
I now have a couple of questions and suggestions for improvements:
1) How do you compile and run 64 bits code ? (after using "knoppix64" as a boot parameter) 2) Could you please consider removing the legacy support in the the 64 bits kernel for speed improvement ?
3) Could you please compile the kernel to allow for more than 8 cloop files ?
4) Could you please compile the kernel to allow for more than 8 processor cores ? (the i7-980X has 12 and more are coming soon) 5) How to change (or restore) a soft link date/time ? (to create an exact replication of a file tree, cp, tar, rsync do not work, is this a bug ?) When is the next version available for download ? (not everybody have access to Linux Magazine) If you are interested I have customized the init boot script and minirt.gz to add functionalities suh as: boot from iso on hdd (for speed), pxe boot from iso on a samba or nfs share, data persistence stored in a partition,...
How can I help you ? Thank you very much,
Gilles van Ruymbeke

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