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Re: Touring the EU with Knoppix sans laptop

Some cafes will allow you to boot from CD, others won't. At a bet, you'll probably have more luck with the smaller cafes that are less likely to have a professional admin.

If you have a problem booting, try a couple of different machine (they may have missed one) and/or ask for help.  Let them know what you're doing and why They might be willing to give you a break.

Also: bring a couple of spare CDs/DVDs with you.  Two reasons:
  1) in case your prime gets damaged, and
  2) so you have a couple to give away ( :-} )

Although not everybody is going to have a DVD reader, it's nice to have the extra software at places that do.

If you take a small USB hard drive, you'll have the space to put a full DVD. You can then boot from a minimal CD and still have all the software you can think of.  You can set the CD to automatically boot from the USB drive (adding 'fromhd=/dev/sda1' to   /boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg) 

(You can do similar work with a 1-2GB drive and a CD image. 5.0 should work on a 4GB stick. I'm not sure about 5.1.1, but 5.2 is noticeably  over 4GB)

The advantage to doing things that way is that you then have normal use of the CD/DVD player, and it's generally a lot faster.

I also add 'xdepth=24', to isolinux.cfg since it's hard to find a machine, these days, that doesn't have 24bit color capability.

On 4/29/07, Robert Citek <robert.citek@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all,

I have the good fortune of going to Europe this late Spring.  On past
trips, I have taken my laptop with me.  But this time, I was thinking of
leaving the laptop behind and traveling only with a Knoppix CD and a USB
stick.  Instead of looking for wifi connections, I was going to visit

Stephen Samuel         http://www.bcgreen.com
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