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Re: More than 8 loop-devices in Knoppix?

Markus Laire wrote:

>Is it possible to use more than 8 loop-devices when also using
>bootfrom=... boot-param?
>Normally (without bootfrom=...) this is easy, just use
>  sudo modprobe -r loop
>  sudo modprobe loop max_loop=32    # up to 255
>  cd /dev
>  sudo ./MAKEDEV loop8   # repeat for other loops
>But when using bootfrom=... the loop-device is in use and I'm not able
>to change the max_loop param.
>I tried to add max_loop=32 to boot-params, but that didn't do anything.

What about cloop devices?
can you as easily set more than 8 devices when booted (ie using the above method?)
This question goes especially to Klaus since he is the current maintainer of the cloop LKM if I'm not wrong.
Yes, I could try on my own but I left my Knoppix cd home (what a mistake!) and besides, I think an exhaustive answer could benefit the fora ...

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