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When out of my office I often use successfully a
pivot_root install (usb HD) of knoppix 5.0.1 instead
of a laptop. I would like to change from KDE to GNOME
in my pivot_root install. Is that feasible, requiring
installing gnome or simply switching to it? 

I installed successfully on pivot_root a few extra
applications, also on wine. Though, I never tried
apt-get update/upgrade, and I'll never try that. I was
warned at the knoppix forum (where I got much help by
maintainers) that I am sailing uncharted waters. True,
though it works (unfortunately the pivot_root install
works everything as root). However, the question posed
now here remained unanswered at the forum.

To justify: at the moment KDE is launched on my
pivot_root installation, though I have problems with
printing and other problems. Because I had the same
problems with KDE on debian i386 etch, added of
unrecoverable refusal by KDE to accept the root
password, I changed to gnome in my PC successfully.

This is not to mean that KDE is inferior. I am simply
saying that I was unable to use it efficiently. Surely
my fault.

Thenks for answering
francesco pietra

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