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[debian-knoppix] Where to get isdn-config 0,21-1


where can I get the Knoppix debian binary and source packages for




I only find the 0.21 one which does only work with "libqt3" instead of
"libqt3c102" of current Debian sarge. I think the change required to make it
work with libqt3c102 is rather small (never done that before), but this
seems to be done already, as Knoppix from Linux User DVD 1/2004 and the
latest c't Edition of Knoppix already have 0.21-1 installed. And 0.21-1 as
installed in those Knoppix versions might have other changes as well.

I am investigating the possibility to use isdn-config under Debian Sarge and
possibly also Debian Woody to ease ISDN configuration without taking the
rest of Knoppix. If that works I would like to write an article about it.
Otherwise I would like to adapt the package as required and then write an
article about it. ;)

The isdn-config package does not seem to contain any dependencies on other
ISDN related packages. Which one does it need to operate correctly? Well I
am trying this out, when you do not have this information at hand. 

If this is not the approbiate forum to ask, please point me to the
approbiate forum. 

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald  - http://Lichtvoll.de
PGP: http://helios.lichtvollst.de/autor/

Lichtschiff - Einfach nur leben - http://Lichtschiff.de 

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