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[debian-knoppix] PartImage unter Knoppix

folgende interessante Zeilen zu Partimage www.partimage.org hab ich auf
http://www.digitalissues.co.uk/misc/os_applications/partimage.html#1 gefunden:
My personal favourite so far is Knoppix from http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html
This amazing Linux CD has a huge amount of programs including partimage.
It takes little time to boot and has hardware support for every machine I have thrown at it (Including laptops)
It's a full Linux Distro with KDE and tonnes of programs so its a hefty download

As of Knoppix 3.1 10-09-2002 partimage is compiled with "Users Must Login".  Doh !!
This makes things tricky since the Knoppix file system is on CD-ROM (read only)
I have not figured out how to creating the required partimagedusers file yet.
I'm hoping a newer version of Knoppix has this sorted out
In the meantime here is a solution.
Here is a compressed file that includes 2 pre-compiled partimage and partimaged files
They come directly from the partimage root disks and have no login requirements
Download, decompress and execute them on the Knoppix machine in a root shell (pi is partimage and pid is partimaged)
Hat jemand schon ausprobiert, wie das in der neuesten Knoppix-Version ausschaut, bzw. ob das Problem noch existiert?
Ich habs mit Version 2002-12-12 probiert  - Ergebnis war die Meldung "Segmentation fault"...
Hatte jemand mehr Erfolg?
Gruß Klemens Hofer

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