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Bug#1071184: Kernel 6.6 and 6.7 route-leak between VRF and default leads to Time to live exceeded

On Friday, 17 May 2024 15:08:17 CEST Development EasyNet wrote:
> I will try. Meanwhile I was troubleshooting this issue for some time and
> I notice a change in FRRouting between 9.1 and 10.0.
> Before 10.0 FRRouting was installing the routes in kernel using the
> destination interface of the route. Starting from 10.0 FRRouting is
> installing all routes towards the VRF interface.
> Here is my bug reported on FRRouting:
> https://github.com/FRRouting/frr/issues/15909

I have no (particular) knowledge about kernel routing or FRRouting, so I can't 
help with that aspect. But if the problem is resolved with 6.8.9, then that 
seems the easiest solution and means the underlying issue is fixed.
If not, it's useful to know if there is a(n older) kernel version where it 
does work.

But given there's also a FRR 9.x -> 10.x upgrade at play, I'm not so sure the 
problem is actually in the kernel.

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