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Bug#1043558: keyboard doesn't respond after waking up

I ran some further experiments on my setup and was able to
determine that, despite the USB related error message I mentioned
above, the low level keyboard evdev provided by the kernel is
working fine in the problem state where the keyboard button
presses are not having any effect in X11.

I determined this by logging in remotely via SSH after resuming
from suspend when I hit the original issue.

>From the remote SSH session I started evtest and selected the
device for my keyboard, and pressed some keys on the keyboard. I
was able to see that the keyboard events were being emitted by the
/dev/input/event* evdev without any issue:

$ sudo evtest
[sudo] password for nathan:
No device specified, trying to scan all of /dev/input/event*
Available devices:
/dev/input/event4:	Cypress USB Keyboard
/dev/input/event5:	Cypress USB Keyboard Consumer Control
/dev/input/event6:	Cypress USB Keyboard
Select the device event number [0-20]: 4
Input driver version is 1.0.1
Input device ID: bus 0x3 vendor 0x4b4 product 0x101 version 0x111
Input device name: "Cypress USB Keyboard"
Event: time 1700683677.281167, type 4 (EV_MSC), code 4 (MSC_SCAN), value 7000c
Event: time 1700683677.281167, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 23 (KEY_I), value 1

(I determined that the proper keyboard evdev was event4 based on
testing in the good state)

Based on this, I think the low level kernel/USB functionality is
working fine, and something may be going wrong at an upper layer.

Based on some further googling for similar issues, I was led to
believe that maybe this issue may be related to GDM. As an
experiment I have swapped out GDM3 with lightdm, and so far the
issue has not re-occurred. I'm going to test further with this
config and see if it continues to work over a longer period of

The only problem with lightdm is that the screen-reader seems to
be stuck on, with no way to turn it off :D but that is a minor


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