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Bug#1054642: Failing ARP relay from external -> Linux bridge -> veth port --> NS veth port

Hi Daniel,
Hope you are good. What is the outlook after a week here? Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: pondelok 30. októbra 2023 20:26
To: Daniel Gröber <dxld@darkboxed.org>
Cc: 1054642@bugs.debian.org
Subject: RE: Bug#1054642: Failing ARP relay from external -> Linux bridge -> veth port --> NS veth port

Hi Daniel,
Definitely I can't do any script at the moment, so manual steps could be enough I hope so.

1) As was reported, foreign external world MAC@ does not pass into network namespace, just external border point "vlan199"
2) now collecting data for you, honestly I don’t see external mac address on "inet-br" object, so my previous statement was incorrect.. {ossibly I might mixed this up with another "labinet-br" (working in its limited scope) which is IP-defined, while "inet-br" in question is not.
3) so question is, if the MACs learnt via vlan199 are supposed to be paired (displayed) with "inet-br" object and all way up into NS....
4) I collected all into text file. If this is problem, then I paste it here.

Thanks, BR

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Gröber <dxld@darkboxed.org>
Sent: pondelok 30. októbra 2023 13:04
To: GASPAROVIC Peter OBS/MKT <peter.gasparovic@orange.com>
Cc: 1054642@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: Bug#1054642: Failing ARP relay from external -> Linux bridge -> veth port --> NS veth port

Hi Peter,

On Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 10:43:39AM +0000, peter.gasparovic@orange.com wrote:
> Would it be possible to join a Webex session setup by me to check this 
> out quickly? It's all lab environment.

I don't think that would help with reproducing your environment in this case, besides I only offer synchronous debugging sessions for paid consulting engagements.

> If not I will proceed per your instructions

Please do.

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