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Bug#1054642: Failing ARP relay from external -> Linux bridge -> veth port --> NS veth port

Hi Daniel,
Thank you for this yet hope even my joy to help fix something in this amazing Linux world you dive so deep in in contrast to me.

Would it be possible to join a Webex session setup by me to check this out quickly? It's all lab environment.
If not I will proceed per your instructions

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Gröber <dxld@darkboxed.org> 
Sent: nedeľa 29. októbra 2023 11:47
To: GASPAROVIC Peter OBS/MKT <peter.gasparovic@orange.com>
Cc: Luca Boccassi <bluca@debian.org>; 1054642@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: Bug#1054642: Failing ARP relay from external -> Linux bridge -> veth port --> NS veth port

Hi Peter,

On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 09:29:25AM +0000, peter.gasparovic@orange.com wrote:
> No attempt at all? Then it's against your own rules I've read before 
> submitting this.

I think Luca was a bit harsh here, I'd be happy to help debug this. From a first look it seems unlikely this is related to iproute2, smells more like a kernel issue to me, but either way we need a reproducer.

So first step to move this forward is to put together a self contained set of instructions to reproduce the problem. Your original report is a bit sparse on context and details.

If you don't feel up to compiling the reproducer script yourself you could start by showing us your system state using

    $ ip -d addr show   # on the host and inside the NS if you could
    $ bridge -d link; bridge fdb

snippets from /etc/network/interfaces or similar relevant config would help too.

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