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Bug#409272: nfsmount: incompatible with nfsv4--workaround fails fixes

Hi Ross,

Following up with the zz-nfs4 hook workaround, I found that it didn't work because copy_exec won't overwrite an existing file. I do not know if this was always the case, or perhaps it changed since the original workaround was posted. 

My zz-nfs4 looks like this now and does replace /bin/nfsmount

[ prereqs = "$1" ] && exit
. /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions
echo "Deleting of nfsmount (${DESTDIR}/bin/nfsmount) so that copy_exec will overwrite"
rm -f ${DESTDIR}/bin/nfsmount
copy_exec /sbin/mount.nfs /bin/nfsmount

Also, the vers parameter is documented in the nfs(5) man page (eg. https://linux.die.net/man/5/nfs) as an alias of nfsvers.

It'd be great to get the bug fixed, but in the mean time hopefully this small change to the hook will help someone else who finds the bug.

Michael Moore

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