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Re: Updating firmware-nonfree and open-athk9-htc-firmware in bullseye-backports

On Sat, 2023-04-22 at 16:33 +0200, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> Dear Backports Team,
> I have just uploaded two firmware packages to bullseye-backports:
> - firmware-nonfree
> - open-ath9k-htc-firmware

I've got a rather small /boot (235 MB, ext2), and trying to upgrade
firmware-nonfree fills it up when initramfs-tools trigger generates

  Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  /dev/nvme0n1p2  235M  227M     0 100% /boot

The weird thing is that "du -hsx /boot" only reports 87M. There are no open
deleted files according to lsof, and the situation remains even if I
remount /boot. Furthermore, there are no errors during update-initramfs,
and the generated initrd image seems fine (70593887 bytes). 

On another machine, update-initramfs just fails, and the disk does not fill

  update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.10.0-21-amd64

  gzip: stdout: No space left on device
  E: mkinitramfs failure gzip 1
  update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-5.10.0-21-amd64 with 1.
  dpkg: error processing package initramfs-tools (--configure):
   installed initramfs-tools package post-installation script subprocess  
returned error exit status 1
  Errors were encountered while processing:
  needrestart is being skipped since dpkg has failed
  E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

This machine has identical disk layout, but has less disk space remaining
since it is still running the previous kernel version (5.10.0-20), and has
two kernels installed under /boot. After the error, it reports the free
disk space correctly (and the initrd.img remains untouched):

  Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  /dev/sda2       235M  165M   58M  75% /boot

I think I've seen this before a long time ago, and it was resolved by
simply rebooting, but I'd like to understand why this happens and how to
avoid it (other than increasing the size of /boot).

Anyone else seen this?

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