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Bug#1026804: WIFI doesn't work for kernel 6.1

On Wednesday, 21 December 2022 17:11:55 CET Diederik de Haas wrote:
> Given that it worked with 6.0 but no more with 6.1-1~exp1 which I assume is
> a self-built kernel from current master, it seems more likely to be an
> upstream issue/regression.

I just noticed the following part from that linux-amlogic post:
> I native build kernel from debian's kernel repo:
> https://salsa.debian.org/kernel-team/linux/ with some Amlogic patches:
> https://salsa.debian.org/zhangn1985/linux/-/tree/master/debian/patches/feat
> ures/arm64/meson all follow debian's kernel config.

That path doesn't seem to exist anymore, but got redirected to 'just' the 
master branch and noticed the latest commit "update patches from khadas".
When I looked into that, I saw there were a LOT of additional patches :-O

The test I suggested in my previous reply would still be useful, but it could 
also be that your patch-set is at fault.

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