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Re: How to build a "linux-kbuild-.deb" package

On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 11:12 AM Robert Senger <robert.senger@lists.microscopium.de> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am building my own custom Kernel by doing this (short version):
> apt install linux-source
> tar -xf linux-source-$VERSION.tar.xz
> cd linux-source-$VERSION
> make config
> make LOCALVERSION="-custom" -j8 bindeb-pkg
> This creates binary packages for the kernel image, the kernel headers
> and for linux-libc-dev. However, the kernel-headers package depends on
> the linux-kbuild-$VERSION.deb package, which must be installed from the
> debian repositories.
> Now I need to compile and install an older Kernel (with headers), for
> which version there is no linux-kbuild available any more in the debian
> repos.
> The debian website which describes the linux-kbuild-$VERSION.deb
> package points to the linux sources as source for the linux-kbuild
> package.
> But I have absolutely no idea how to build the linux-kbuild-
> $VERSION.deb package from the linux sources. Searched around Google a
> lot but with no success.
> So, what must I do to get a linux-kbuild deb package for a certain
> older Kernel version, if I have the appropriate kernel sources
> (installed as above) still available?
> Thanks!
> Robert

You may want to use the dpkg-buildpackage utility with the relevant Debian Packaging for your Linux kernel x.y.z ; this last can be obtained from https://anonscm.debian.org/git/kernel/linux.git 

Best Professional Regards.

Jose R R
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Official current Reiser4 resources: https://reiser4.wiki.kernel.org/

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