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Re: Problem: USB Ethernet PCI-E card does not work with kernel 5.10.0-11-amd64

On Wednesday, 23 February 2022 07:14:03 CET Flacusbigotis wrote:
> Issue: The ethernet port on the Syba SD-PEX50100 PCI-E card does not work
> properly in Debian  Bullseye (kernel 5.10.0-11-amd64).
> In Bullseye, with kernel 5.10.0-11-amd64, the ethernet card starts
> randomizing the MAC address which causes issues with ISPs that DHCP servers
> that lock-on to MAC addresses.  

NetworkManager has a MAC-address-randomization feature which you can turn off.
I don't *know* but it could be that Bullseye has that feature, but Buster does 
not have it (enabled (by default)).
If that's the case, then your issue would just be a SW (configuration) issue 
and this list would not be the right place ...

> I also think the ethernet port does not work in general in Bullseye but I am
> not sure how to prove that bigger claim.

... If the above does not apply in your case or disabling that feature does 
not resolve your issue, then it could be that it's indeed a kernel issue and 
then this list would be the right place ... but indirectly by reporting a bug 
against the kernel package (with 'reportbug').

> In Bullseye, the /var/log/messages file shows kernel logs that indicate
> that there are issues during boot up with the PCI-E card.  Those logs do
> not occur at all in Debian Buster.  This is why I think the issue is in the
> kernel.

This and the message you posted do make it likely that it's a kernel issue.
So here's my recommendation:
1) Try disabling the MAC randomization and see whether that improves things.
2) If not or it doesn't properly/fully resolve issues, use the reportbug tool/
program to file a bug against the linux-image-5.10.0-11-amd64.

That will itself generate various info about your system, but if there's info 
that you posted to this list that isn't automatically included in the bug 
report, then do add it manually (by copy-paste f.e.).
That way all the relevant information is present in that (one) bug report and 
other/outside people don't have to be aware that you also send a separate msg.

> This is my first time reporting an issue to this email list (or Debian), so
> I am not sure what other information to provide or if I need to open a bug
> report somewhere.  So, if this is not the correct way to report the issue
> and/or not sufficient information to investigate it, I would appreciate
> your guidance.

You did quite well, but the preferred way to report kernel issues (or issues 
in Debian in general) is through the Bug Tracking System (with reportbug).


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