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Bug#996713: firmware-brcm80211: firmware becomes non-responsive while running as an access point on RPI4

On 11/15/21 3:22 AM, Diederik de Haas wrote:
Andres: You mentioned bullseye in your initial report, but it didn't have the
usual footer mentioning various program versions and I'm especially interested
in the kernel version. Could you mention that in subsequent reports (if any)?

The user in #debian-raspberrypi was using kernel 5.10.0-9-arm64 on a Bullseye
system. I then suggested to try the firmware-brcm80211 from testing to see
whether that would make a difference.
I'll leave the progress reporting up to the users themselves.

I was originally using 5.10.0-9-arm64 5.10.70-1, and that is what I tested both firmware-brcm80211 packages with.

I haven't tried earlier 5.10 kernels.

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