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Potential security problem: MQTT system exposed to the Internet


we are non-profit security researchers from RWTH Aachen University and
Fraunhofer FKIE in Germany.

We are reaching out to you as we believe that one of your systems is
unintentionally exposed to the Internet, i.e., it can be accessed by
anyone without requiring authorization. The details of this system are:

  IP: (on 07/06/2021 (our measurement date))

Please see below for a list of topics associated with your email address.

More details: We perform research on the security of Internet-connected systems
and scan the Internet for servers using MQTT. This is how we detected your
service, which seems to not be configured correctly / securely. However, when
configured correctly, MQTT also allows for access control and authentication.
The configuration depends on the broker software you are using. For the
predominantly used mosquitto broker, you can find a description of the security
options here:


We would appreciate any feedback from your side, e.g., by answering to
this email indicating that your system indeed should not be accessible
for everybody on the Internet and your steps taken to secure your system.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Martin Henze
Markus Dahlmanns

List of topics referencing your email address:

- elevel2/machine/67:5e/printk

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