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Bug#965049: linux-source-5.6 build issues for ARM64

Package: src:linux
Version: 5.6.14-2~bpo10+1
Severity: important

I'm guessing this is isolated to ARM64 targets as I don't see other
reports.  I'm having difficulty trying to taget "bindeb-pkg" with

During the initial phase build was terminating quickly, complaining about
missing System.map.  I managed to work around this via
`make vmlinux modules`.  Now I'm to the error
"cp: cannot stat 'arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz': No such file or directory"

I'm speculating the build may work if I run the correct rule, but I
haven't yet identified that.

Kind of feels like all dependancies got lost for ARM64 targets.  This
may not warrant grave severity as some architectures build, but if you're
on ARM64 there is a major problem.

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 \BS (    |         ehem+sigmsg@m5p.com  PGP 87145445         |    )   /
  \_CS\   |  _____  -O #include <stddisclaimer.h> O-   _____  |   /  _/
8A19\___\_|_/58D2 7E3D DDF4 7BA6 <-PGP-> 41D1 B375 37D0 8714\_|_/___/5445

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