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Bug#931499: initramfs hook scripts which use log_* functions die

Package: initramfs-tools-core
Version: 0.133

initramfs hook scripts which source

. /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/functions

and then later use one of the log_*() functions such as

log_begin_msg "Installing terminfo entries: $tinfos"

will make the hook script fail with the message "quiet: parameter not
set", which will make the invoking "update-initramfs" also fail as a

The reason is simple: The script contains a parameter expansion

$ grep -F 'quiet?' /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/functions
        if [ "${quiet?}" = "y" ]; then return; fi

which will fail if "$quiet" is not defined at all at this place. This
can easily be tested as follows:

$ (set +e; unset quiet; echo "${quiet?}"; echo "RC: $?")
-bash: quiet: parameter not set

Note that this failure was so severe that the whole subshell terminated
even though "set -e" has been disabled!

The easiest way to make to problem go away would be to set the variable
if it is not defined, because this works:

$ (set +e; : ${quiet:=}; echo "${quiet?}"; echo "RC: $?")
RC: 0

It would suffice to add a line

: ${quiet:=}

or maybe better

: ${quiet:=n}

somewhere outside of any function to the file

I am using Debian 10 on branch "buster"
on branch ascii
with kernel
Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.168-1+deb9u3 (2019-06-16) x86_64

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