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Bug#911443: raspi3-firmware | Add board-specific firmware files for RPi 3B+ WiFi (!1)

Hi Stefan
> i want to play safe. Could you please check the Rev of your 3 B board? 
> You can find it on the upside of the PCB below the GPIO pin header (e.g. i have Rev 1.2).

Mine is also a "Raspberry Pi 3 Model B V1.2".

> Could you please provide a complete dmesg in case wlan0 is absent?

Here is the dmesg without wlan0:

And here is one with wlan0:

> Could you please change your config to:

This change does indeed make wlan0 appear! Unfortunately this is probably not a viable solution for the (generic) arm64 Debian kernel.

Many thanks already for your great support!

Best regards

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