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Bug#886049: The problem with the splice() depends on the used SMB-Version

Since this Bug only appears if the file is copied from a CIFS-Share it now was seen that the error depends on the used SMB-Version. If the share is mounted with the option vers=2.0, small files can be copied without blocking. If a higher SMB-Version than 2.0 is used to mount the share, e.g. vers=2.1 or vers=3.0, the copy fails as described above. Capturing the network traffic with wireshark shows that the file is copied completely in both cases, but when the share is mounted in SMB-Version 2.1 the last 'Read Response' which contains all the data of the small file never stopps. The 'Close Request' and the 'Close Response' for the file do not come up until the hanging process is interrupted. Another difference betweent the Versions is that the 'Read Request' has 'Len:65536' in SMB-Version 2.1 and 'Len:4096' in SMB-Version 2.0. The 'Read Response' containing the data in both cases has the same size.

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