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Bug#884601: "console=ttyAMA0,115200" --> "console=tty0"


I just faced a similar issue with the arm64 kernel (linux-image-4.14.0-0.bpo.2-arm64). It booted fine with the 4.13 based kernel but it failed after the upgrade to the above mentioned kernel. Since I wanted to debug the stuff I took a closer look at the cmdline.txt file: There I found the config "console=ttyAMA0,115200". This looked wrong to me since ttyAMA0 is the bluetooth device on the Raspberry Pi 3. Therefore I changed it to "console=tty0" and all of a sudden my system booted again with the 4.14 kernel.

Another remark: My setup also worked with the 4.14 kernel combined with the device tree binary from the 4.13 kernel. However, I do not like this hack.

My full setup is here: https://github.com/lueschem/edi-pi

Good luck

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