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Question about x86_energy_perf_policy


Sorry if it has been already answered elsewhere, I didn't find anything
on this matter despite a fair bit of googling (except the two years old
bug #778249).

So, I'm the maintainer of the TLP package and one of its functions need
the x86_energy_perf_policy binary. It's not mandatory by any means, TLP
offers many other features to save battery power, but my question is
more from personal curiosity.

Ubuntu provides this tool in the linux-tools package, but in Debian it's
not provided at all. Currently I plan to prepare an upload that I hope
will make it to stretch, which will use a substitution variable to
generate different dependencies for Debian and Ubuntu.

But still, by sheer curiosity, I'd like to know : is there a reason for
Debian not providing this binary, and/or plans to change that ?

Please CC me when answering, as I'm not subscribed to the list.


Raphaël Halimi

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