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Bug#850713: linux-image-4.8.0-0.bpo.2-amd64: can't mount NFS shares via nfs referrals

Niltze [Hello]-

'just my 2 cents':

On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 6:39 AM, Christoph Martin <martin@uni-mainz.de> wrote:
> Some more analysis:
> attached are two syslogs of gssd in verbose mode.
> You can see that in both servers the user acl directory gets mounted
> from fs02 within user context:
> rpc.gssd[6528]: handle_gssd_upcall: 'mech=krb5 uid=4015 enctypes
> ...
> rpc.gssd[6528]: creating context using fsuid 4015 (save_uid 0)
> When trying to mount the group acl share from fsgroups 4.8 server logs:
> rpc.gssd[27548]: handle_gssd_upcall: 'mech=krb5 uid=0 service=*
> ...
> rpc.gssd[27548]: creating context using fsuid 0 (save_uid 0)
> the 4.7 server logs:
> rpc.gssd[6528]: handle_gssd_upcall: 'mech=krb5 uid=4015
> ...
> rpc.gssd[6528]: creating context using fsuid 4015
> As a result of this difference the nfs tries to mount the directory on
> 4.7 with a user kerberos ticket and gets NFS4_OK in line 265 of
> linux-4.7-nfsrefer.dump while 4.8 tries with machine kerberos ticket and
> gets NFS4ERR_ACCESS in line 231 of linux-4.8-nfsrefer.dump.
> Christoph

I experienced issues installing nfs-common package from official
maintainers jessie repositories during my jessie-backport reiser4
-patched Linux kernel efforts. Accordingly I jessie-backport'ed
nfs-common and nfs-kernel-server packages that you will find at:


As a matter of fact just uploaded jessie-backport'ed (kerberos)
krb5-1.15-1 package that I had built priorly -- as part of my initial
efforts building first 2 packages mentioned above.


By the way none of those packages have *any dependencies* on reiser4
other than being built in a machine with that file system ;-)

You are welcomed to give those a try but I offer no guarantees whatsoever.

Best Professional Regards.

P.S. you may need krb5-config from Sid (Unstable) -- as the above are backports.
Jose R R
Download Debian-Reiser4 for AMD64 https://sf.net/projects/debian-reiser4/
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from our GitHub http://Nepohualtzintzin.com repository. Cloud the easy way!

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