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Bug#842971: bumblebeed on ppc32 ? (was: loading nouveau causes screen to become unresponsive)


Am 07.11.2016 um 11:07 schrieb Mathieu Malaterre:
> I failed to understand how you could possibly build a powerpc version
> of bumblebee, the build system must be badly broken. Anyway please
> remove this package ASAP and try to modprobe nouveau again.
I removed the package `bumblebee` as well as `bbswitch-dkms`. Now, the
behaviour is the same (white screen), but `syslog` contains multiple
interesting things, but I can't evaluate which are the reason and which
are effect of preceeding failures. I attached it.

> By compiling yourself random stuff you are making it hard to diagnose
> the root issue.
Afaik concerned, I didn't do that, but I don't remember 100 % percent.
Maybe a remainder from a dist-upgrade?


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