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Bug#827557: linux-image-4.6.0-1-armmp-lpae: 4.6 armmp kernel fails to boot on nvidia jetson (4.5 works)

* Wookey <wookey@wookware.org> [2016-06-17 19:25]:
> I installed an nvidia jetson board (armhf, v7) with the stretch alpha6
> installer. It all worked nicely. 
> See documentation at:
> https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/NVIDIA/Jetson-TK1
> I am about to go on hols for 3 weeks so filing this bug as a
> placeholder in case anyone else has info to add.

Sorry, I didn't see your bug report.  I ran into the same issue,

I tracked it down to CONFIG_ARM_TEGRA_DEVFREQ which I enabled in

With this module enabled, I see the same hang you do.  Without the
module, it works.

Interestingly, it depends on the version of u-boot used, though.
With the u-boot from Debian (i.e. a current mainline DENX u-boot), I
do not get this issue (which is why my tests before enabling the
module didn't find it).  I only see it with the old u-boot from

I brought this up upstream:
and the response was that if mainline u-boot works, I should use that.

I then edited the Debian wiki to remove the portions about the old
u-boot and made it clear users have to upgrade to Debian's u-boot.

IMHO it should be ok to tell users to use a modern mainline u-boot,
but I don't mind disabling CONFIG_ARM_TEGRA_DEVFREQ again either
if you think that's a good idea.

Martin Michlmayr

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