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Kernel bugs


Last week, I submitted a bug report for the Jessie kernel, and so it
happened I arrived at the 'Bugs in source package linux' page [1].

What immediately caught my eye was the enormous amount of unclassified bugs:

Outstanding bugs -- Important bugs; Unclassified (463 bugs)
Outstanding bugs -- Normal bugs; Unclassified (623 bugs)

Many of these are about kernel versions that predate Wheezy (which is
OLDSTABLE, if you neeed reminding) by YEARS. Heck, the oldest bug in the
'important' section was reported 21 Dec 2007! It has been reassigned to
'linux' in 2013 and has not seen any updates since.

So, my somewhat worried question is -and please do not see this as a
disqualification of all the good work that is actually being done in
Debian- does anyone ever even look at these bugs? What is the problem here?

[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=linux

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman.

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