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Bug#782442: USB3 external HDD not recognized [regression]


> Ok, xhci is reset in resume in your case (indicated by the "root hub lost power or was reset" messages)
> That patch adds an additional check that ensures there was some event before resuming the roothub.
> Could you try out the following and see if it helps? If the event is lost/cleared during reset
> then this change should work.

Sure. What version is this patch against? I did "patch -p1" with
v4.1-rc2 checked out, and all three hunks fail.

> Can you try with auto-pm disabled for PCI xHCI host?
> # echo 'on' | tee /sys/bus/pci/devices/*/power/control 

I'll also try the PM settings mentioned by baolu. In fact, he reminded
me that I added the following udev rule to save some power (and powertop
got happy ;-):

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="pci", ATTR{power/control}="auto"

Sorry that I forgot to mention this.

(I'll do all this tomorrow.)

Kind regards,

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