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Bug#605090: update?

On lun., 2015-09-14 at 14:15 -0400, Erinn Clark wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm just wondering if there are any updates to this bug and in particular I'm
> curious what could happen now that the grsecurity stable patches are only
> available to sponsors. I still think getting grsec into Debian is a very
> important and worthwhile goal, but we should begin discussing it again since I
> believe there is more momentum. (I'd like to participate if possible, as well.)
Hey Erinn,

I somehow stopped updating this bugs, but my latest attempts are more
or less documented on my blog [1]. I'm also giving a talk about all
this in Kernel Recipes 2015 [2].

Right now the “easy” solution (make deb-pkg) is the best I can provide,
and it's definitely not suitable for inclusion in Debian. But I'm
planning to restart attempts to have something worth including in


[1]: http://www.corsac.net/?cat=3
[2]: https://kernel-recipes.org/en/2015/hardened-kernels-for-everyone/

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