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Bug#715546: now (2015-8-24) suddenly happened with Kernel 3.2

Dear maintainers,

I have just filed a report that exactly this non-working wake up from suspend just happened to my dual usb ibook G3 running the current debian wheezy. I did an apt-get upgrade and the machine does not wake up anymore. Worked fine for a long time >1 year before since the installation of wheezy.

Any ideas? Anything there that could help?

I also posted this on the debian mailing list, but now it appeared here:

I noticed the problem after adding some software from the debian repo and doing an upgrade in the same session. I am not sure whether I broke something (by accidentially removing some component required for wake-up). Has anything in the kernel changed recently (i.e. last 3 months) that could explain the failure of the wake-up after suspend? Interestingly, the "symptom" is identical to the report with an old kernel (see original post by dand1972).



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