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Re: Proper way for vendors to build deb packages of kernels.

Jared_Dominguez@DELL.com wrote:
What differences are there from Debian's kernel that preclude using DKMS? What do you mean by "does not generally integrate with Debian stuff?
Well AIUI Debian kernel packages have

* a corresponding headers package
* Some kind of hook mechanism to integrate with tools like bootloaders and dkms.

Right now the raspberry pi founation kernel is packaged together with their bootloader and has none of those things. I'm trying to help them get to a point where they have more sane kernel packaging but I'm trying to work out what the best way to get to that point is.

I'd also really like to see the source shipped in the form of a debian source package and properly associated with the binary packages as that makes tracking source for license compliance so much easier.

Unfortunately it seems that the main methods for building deb packages from an arbitary kernel tree ("make deb-pkg" and "make-kpkg") don't seem to have any support for creating a corresponding source package (and ensuring that the binary packages correctly reference said source package).

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