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Bug#762984: Another affected user

Just to add another data point, I ran into the same problem.

Booting stops with

ALERT! /dev/mapper/vgsys-sid--usr does not exist. Dropping to a shell.

In busybox I can fix the problem by activating the volume groups:

(initramfs) vgchange -a y
  30 logical volume(s) in volumgroup "vgsys" now active

Hitting Ctrl-D afterwards resumes the boot. For some odd reason, it notices that /usr has been mounted 922 times without being checked and forces the fsck. I never checked (nor do I really care, /usr can be recovered from ftp.debian.org).

The version of initramfs-tools on my system is 0.117 as well. I would consider this as serious since that system booted just fine since its installation in 2009, not counting the systemd transition which made it unbootable two times.

I attached the trace.log from running mkinitramfs.

Greetings, Torsten

Attachment: trace.log.xz
Description: Binary data

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