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Bug#725714: Problem with firmware loading


I ran into the same problem with a wifi card (iwlwifi). I have a workaround for that. First, be 
sure to have the installation medi with the non-free firmware/drivers. Install until the error 
"ethernet card not found".

Open console (alt-f2).
Then install manually the firmware:
# cp /cdrom/firmware/firmware-iwlw*deb /tmp
 (choose your firmware accordingly to your hardware)
# cd /tmp
# ar x *deb
# xzcat data.tar.xz > data.tar
# cd /
# tar xf /tmp/data.tar
 (at this point, you should have a /lib/firmware directory)
# rmmod iwlwifi
# modprobe iwlwifi
# ip a
should show a wlan0 card.

Go back to console 1, and choose the network detection from the menu. The network is 

But unfortunatley, I couldn't go further: The iwlwifi card was detected, network scanning was 
OK (all SSID were shown) but connection was impossible, with messages similar to 
https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=174659 in console 4. I used an USB/RJ45 dongle to 
netinstall and now the wifi card works flawlessly. So it could be another installer issue, or the 
way I've loaded the firmware or modprobe the module (?)

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