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Bug#741952: linux: Possible bug in 3.2's cifs/file.c, use of uninitialized variable

Source: linux
Version: 3.2.54-2


In fs/cifs/file.c's cifs_iovec_write I believe that 'written'[1] can
be used while not initialized: it is initialized in the call to
CIFSSMBWrite2[2] but that code may not be run whenever
cifs_reopen_file fails with any error other than EAGAIN. In that case,
it would be used, uninitialized, to check it against 0[4] and then
used to modify a series of size_t, ssize_t, loff_t, etc.

I have not tried to follow what could actually happen in that case.

>From a quick look to cifs_reopen_file it appears that at least EACCES
and ENOMEM can be returned.

It would appear that this was fixed in 3.4 with the move to async
writes in da82f7e755d2808ba726c9b23267d5bb23980e94


Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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