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Bug#704242: Driver for PL-2303 HX not working

Am 17.04.2013 15:13, schrieb Johan Hovold:
Can you try to reproduce this on a later kernel (e.g. 3.8) which uses
dynamic debugging?

I have compiled a 3.8.5 kernel now on Debian testing (wheezy).
The result is the same as in 3.2.0 !
I could receive only some of the first bytes after opening the port afterwards everything is lost without errors.

How can i enable the debugging in kernel 3.8.5?

root@PC# modprobe usbserial debug=1
ERROR: could not insert 'usbserial': Invalid argument
root@PC# modprobe pl2303 debug=1
ERROR: could not insert 'pl2303': Invalid argument


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