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Re: Linux 3.10.y packages for wheezy

On Thu, 2013-11-28 at 16:07 +0100, Jon Severinsson wrote:
> Hi
> For a while now I have been packaging 3.10 longterm kernels for wheezy.  While 
> I'm doing this for my own use, I have made my apt repository public [1], just 
> in case anyone else finds my work usefull.  My packages are based on the 
> unreleased 3.10.13 package in the debian svn repository, to which I have added 
> upstream longterm updates and backports of most packaging improvements from 
> later debian kernels.  My repository currently contains two packageversions: 
> 3.10.20-0~bpo70+1 which is ABI compatible with 3.10.11-1~bpo70+1 from 
> backports.debian.org, but lacks some upstream fixes and debian packaging 
> improvements; and 3.10.20-0~bpo70+2 which isn't, but doesn't.

Please don't use 'bpo' in the package versions as this suggests they
come from backports.debian.org.

> I have attached the only two patches, one for "linux" 
> and one for "linux-tools", I think might be of interest to the debian kernel 
> team.

Yes, these look like worthwhile fixes, thanks.


Ben Hutchings
friends: People who know you well, but like you anyway.

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