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Bug#722318: Re: Bug#722318: prepend_earlyinitramfs makes inspecting initramfs unnecessarily hard

> > above is no bug of the initramfs which boots and decompresses just
> > fine.
> True, but it makes debugging initramfs hooks and initramfs scripts
> harder than strictly necessary for those of us who maintain them in our
> packages (case in point: nbd-client).

Agreed. I just had to debug a non-booting initramfs (#726237 as it turns
out) and that was unnecessarily hard.

So, for reference, until the bug is fixed, you can decompress such
concatenated cpios with:
(cpio -i --io-size=1; dd bs=1 count=8 of=/dev/null;zcat | cpio -i) < /boot/initrd.img-3.10.12-andres

I am not entirely sure yet why the 8 is required but thats where the gz
header started, the 8 bytes before it are zeroes :/

Not nice, but simple enough.


Andres Freund

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