Sorry for the late answer. Am 04.04.2013 20:04, schrieb Bob Bib:
Is it working OK with other systems? Have you checked if it works under MS Windows with the latest driver?
Yes - it is working with the latest windows driver.
Maybe it's just a wiring / connection problem. BTW, is it a USB-to-TTL or a USB-to-RS232 adapter? (The latter have an additional level converter IC etc.)
No - i have tested it exact with the same data source (microcontroller) and it works in Windows but not in Linux with the same adapter.
When you use the check tool of profilic the running chip is identified as PL-2303 H Chip. The chip not running is a Pl-2303 XA / HXA. Exact type is Pl-2303HX LF12313A or LF13313AHave you checked the chip markings?
Yes - but the marking LF13313A is not known at Profilic. I have written to Profilic but there was no help to find a solution. The comment (answer) from Profilic is "Are you sure the P/N on the chip is PL-2303HX LF13313A? This indicates the chip was made in week 31 of 2013."
Counterfeit PL-2303 chips can often be found at the market, some even imitate the original branding, as stated on the official site:
In fact this could be an explanation here! The product comes from China: But the interesting question is: Why it works running the windows driver? So if this is an chinese imitation then there are thousands or millions of them running out there. It would be still interesting to get them working in Linux also. Best regards Karsten
---- Best wishes, Bob
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