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Bug#679449: shared memory problem on armel

gregor herrmann wrote:
As armhf really describes the ABI rather than the underlying CPU
architecture, it would make our jobs with Raspbian much easier if CPU
architecture dependent packages could test that the architecture is indeed
Armv7+ and not blindly assume armhf implicitly means the system is running
on an Armv7+ architecture. It's unfortunate that a handful of packages make
this assumption and adding more to the mix doesn't help.

Can this test be expressed in some easy terms to be used in
DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE ?=$(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)
ARM_VERSION_NUMBER :=$(shell $(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-cpp -dM /dev/null | grep -Po '(?<=__ARM_ARCH_)[0-9]+(?=[a-zA-Z]*_
ARMV7PLUS :=$(shell expr $(ARM_VERSION_NUMBER) \>= 7)

	echo $(ARMV7PLUS)
ifeq "$(ARMV7PLUS)" "1"
	echo armv7 or above
	echo armv6 or below

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