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Bug#685864: linux-image-3.2.0-3-amd64: Commande halt or halt -p and shutdown = reboot system. Cm :gigabyte z77x-ud5h

Le 28. 08. 12 21:59, Geert Stappers a écrit :
[Please reply to all, including the address 685864@bugs.debian.org]

vrom: novice <gavotte@panthere-noire.com>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 03:06:46 +0200
1. Uninstall the nvidia driver (or somehow stop it from loading)
yes . I also tested
modprobe -r nvidia
`modprobe -r nvidia` removes the nvidia kernel module from memory.
It is the undo of `modprobe nvidia`, which loads it in memory.

BUT:  modprode is MORE then just load and unload, there is also
programcode from the kernel module executed. During "load" there
is initialization done.

The request is uninstall the nvidia module. To remove it from disk.
With the effect to stop it from loading and executing init code.

2. Reboot
reboot .
That reboot is to clear initialiastion the nvidia driver could have done.

3. Run 'shutdown'

use: shutdown -h nows
result reboot.

That is the reason for this ticket  :-/

thank you for your patience

This E-mail is / was about telling that "uninstall" is
more then `modprobe -r  modulename`

Geert Stappers

all nvidia removed. and tested kernel linux-image-3.5-trunk-amd64 : result is reboot :(
I'll try to rebuild the kernel. disable the vesa video driver except

si ça marche , je vous tient aux courant

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