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Bug#590582: abot vortex problem

W dniu 19.03.2012 07:41, Jonathan Nieder pisze:
Hi Karol,

Karol Szkudlarek wrote:

No..., I'm not tried 3.x kernel from sid or experimental becuase
problem considers my home router/server which is need 24h/day...

But I could try for example backported patched a module driver 3c95x
for my 2.6.32 current debian squeeze version. For me it will be safe
solution which I can easily revert.

Ok, makes sense.

I've attached a patch to try, following instructions from [1].  The
result should be ABI-compatible with a squeeze kernel, so if all goes
well and you have kept a copy of the unpatched 3c95x driver, you can
unload the patched 3c95x driver and reload the standard one after
testing.  (Of course, it is always possible that testing could go
poorly and e.g. hang the system.)

Hope that helps,

[1] http://kernel-handbook.alioth.debian.org/ch-common-tasks.html#s-common-official
or the corresponding page in the debian-kernel-handbook package

I've succesfully applied patch and reinstall module as you suggest me in previous e-mail (thanks for help in module reinstalling!)

rmmod 3c59x; insmod /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32/drivers/net/3c59x.ko; insmod /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-686/kernel/drivers/net/3c59x.ko
      ifdown eth0;ifup eth0;ifdown eth2;ifup eth2
} &

and I have to add ifdown/ifup for my network interfaces after it.

I've tested patched driver, but unfortunately it contains the same bug,
copying large file via eth0 stills breaks eth0 communication... :-(

Of course I've checked via lsmod different size of memory of patched
and original driver to be sure that I've loaded patched driver instead of original.


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