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Bug#659521: [3.1.8 -> 3.2.4 regression] ATH9K driver will not connect to my adhoc network

(Resending to the correct bug.  Sorry for the duplicate messages, Ankman
and David.)

Ankman wrote:

> Am I supposed to send all I sent to you previously to the addresses
> given in this mail? So the dmesg log and my setup? Can't you do it
> instead? I don't want to make a mistake.

More important than the logs (which they can get e.g. through a link to
<http://bugs.debian.org/659519>) is a succinct summary of the problem.

I usually ask bug reporters to make the first contact with upstream
so they can add additional information if appropriate and choose an
appropriate time to be able to reply to followups if busy.

> I also might later (cannot guarantee though) be able to apply the
> patch you provided. But I didn't apply pages since quite some time and
> have not much time. If you are interested that I try this can you
> please provide me with all console commands how I do this?

Thanks!  Here's a summary of the page[1] I mentioned before:

	# as root:
	apt-get source linux-2.6
	apt-get install build-essential fakeroot devscripts
	apt-get build-dep linux-2.6

	# as a normal user:
	cd linux-2.6-<version>

	bash debian/bin/test-patches <path to patch>
	# or, for parallel build:
	bash debian/bin/test-patches -j <num> <path to patch>

	# as root:
	dpkg -i ../<name of package>

>>> ifconfig wlan0 down
>>> iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc
>>> iwconfig wlan0 my-essid
>>> iwconfig wlan0 key 12345
>>> ifconfig wlan0
>>> route add default gw

As David Goodenough hinted, upstream might be more comfortable working
with the "ip" and "iw" tools from the iproute and iw packages.  Something
like this:

	ip link set wlan0 down
	ip link set wlan0 up
	iw dev wlan0 interface add ah0 type ibss
	ip link set ah0 up
	iw dev ah0 ibss join my-essid 2412
	ip address add dev wlan0
	ip route add default via dev wlan0

	iw dev ah0 ibss leave
	ip link set ah0 down
	ip link set wlan0 down

Running "iw event -t" in another terminal while doing this can give
interesting progress information.  And "dmesg" tends to report errors,
as usual.

Hope that helps,

[1] http://kernel-handbook.alioth.debian.org/ch-common-tasks.html#s4.2.2

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