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Bug#596528: [squeeze] system freeze with usb 3.0 devices attached

Guillaume JAOUEN wrote:

> Otherwise this bug report is still of actuality. I've upgraded my wheezy
> to kernel and still have trouble with usb3.0 management by
> the kernel.

Which kernel is that?  You can get the kernel version from the
parenthesis in /proc/version.

> It's a little bit more stable now as not all the system freeze but only
> report i/o errors during access to usb3.0 devices.

Ok, let's start with that.

> The lost of usb3.0 devices occur in two ways :
[... nice details snipped ...]

These might be two different problems: one related to power saving, and
the other related to large transfers.  Which would you like to start with?

> As it make a long time, do I still have to follow the advices you gave
> me in your previous message in order to help ?

No, since reasonably current kernels reproduce the trouble, we should
just get in touch with upstream.

Please test with 3.2.4-1 from sid and provide

 - full "dmesg" output from booting (as an attachment)
 - "lsusb -v" output (as another attachment)
 - "dmesg" output demonstrating what happens in the scenario you have
   chosen to focus on
 - steps to reproduce, and how reproducible this is (do the steps work
   100% of the time? 50% of the time?)
 - symptoms, how they differ from what you expected, and how that
   indicates a bug
 - any other background that might be helpful (other observations,
   what happened in other kernel versions, etc)
 - a link to this bug log for the full story

to linux-usb@vger.kernel.org, cc-ing Sarah Sharp
<sarah.a.sharp@linux.intel.com> and either me or this bug log so we
can track it.


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