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Bug#656724: [3.1.8 -> 3.2.1 regression] BUG: scheduling while atomic

found 656724 linux-2.6/3.2.2-1
# regression
severity 656724 important
merge 657526 656724


Antonio-M. Corbi Bellot wrote:

> [Subject: Bug#656724: bug still present with kernel  3.2.2-1]

Please keep in mind that this appears as the subject line of an email
in a crowded inbox, so it can be a good place to put valuable context.

> I updated yesterday this faulty machine with latest
> linux-image-3.2.0-1-amd64 (version 3.2.2-1) and I can confirm that this
> bug is still present.


> Is there a boot option I can try to get rid of this messages and what
> is causing them?

Can you try this patch?

Hope that helps,

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