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preferred solution for building kernel.deb and defining Entry point address

Hello Mailinglist,

I recently experimented with building kernels based on squeeze's patchlevel. The target (Wii, a powerpc flavor) is not that important for the next question: What is the currently preferred solution for building kernel packages - make-kpkg or deb-pkg?

The FAQ proposes make-kpkg while the kernel handbook talks about deb-pkg target only [1]. The "kernel building" sources in [2] "recommend" the make deb-pkg.

Background: Both variants (make-kpkg and deb-pkg) produced a kernel different to using plain make statements. In my example the resulting image using debian-scripts had an Entry point address at 0xc0000000. Using plain make statements produced an Entry point address at 0x600000. Unfortunatly the non-scripted version booted successfuly, the Entry point 0xc0000000 didn't boot on my Wii.

I grepped the debian/rules and .configs, but I didn't figure out, WHERE this Entry point is defined. Maybe it is some Debian default for the powerpc architecture - differing to upstream default?

Since playing with a bootable Wii kernel based on squeeze's patchlevel is highly experimental and just private hobby, I don't expect any deeper help, BUT it should be documented, that the debian rules are choosing an Entry point address for you (or please enlight me if my suspicion is completly wrong).

Thanks in advance,


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