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Bug#583949: 2.6.32-3-amd64 can't read DVDs/CDs (sometimes)

found 583949 linux-2.6/2.6.38-5
fixed 583949 linux-2.6/2.6.39-3

Hi Victor,

Victor Pablos Ceruelo wrote:

> I've tried 2.6.38-bpo.2-amd64 (Debian 2.6.38-5~bpo60+1) and the bug was still there, 
> but in 2.6.39-2-amd64 (Debian 2.6.39-3) it works perfectly.

Marking accordingly, thanks.

Checking with "git shortlog v2.6.38..v2.6.39 --grep='[Ss][Cc][Ss][Ii]'",
I see many patches, some of which have already been included in the
2.6.32.x longterm kernel (and hence squeeze) and most of which haven't.
If you have time for it, could you try bisecting to find the fix between
v2.6.38 and 2.6.39, like so, sending the result to the upstream bug log?

1. Write a script named "as" with the following content somewhere on
your $PATH and mark it executable, to work around Bug#620448:

	exec /usr/bin/as --size-check=warning "$@"

	apt-get install build-essential git-core

	git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git
	git bisect start v2.6.39 v2.6.38 -- drivers/scsi
	make localmodconfig
	: if it starts asking questions, just hit "enter" repeatedly
	make deb-pkg
	dpkg -i ../<name of package built>
	... test thoroughly ...

	NOTE: git bisect expects that you are looking for a
	regression.  In this case, the only thing that has regressed
	is brokenness, so the "good" revisions will be the ones with
	the bug and the "bad" revisions will be the fixed ones.  Yes,
	it's confusing.

	git bisect bad; # if it works perfectly
	git bisect good; # if the bug is still there
	git bisect skip; # if something makes it difficult to test

	make silentoldconfig; # reuse configuration
	make deb-pkg
	dpkg -i ../<name of package built>
	... test ...
	git bisect bad / good / skip

	Rinse and repeate until it shows the "first bad commit" (i.e.,
	the fix!), or until bored (please send the output of "git
	bisect log" in the latter case).

	If the gitk package is installed, you can watch the regression
	range narrowing by running "git bisect visualize" at any time.

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